After spending thirty years working as a software engineer and then manager of software engineers and then leader on engineering functions I decided to retire to focus on what's important to me - being a parent. This has given me a lot of time to think and I realised that everything I learned is connected whether it was working at Netscape, Google or Skyscanner, teaching martial arts, running ultramarathons, coaching adults and children. I also realised I love teaching and get a kick out of writing.

This blog is about me formalising what I've learned as a leader, as a manager, as an engineer and as a human. It's about me continuing to learn by taking the pieces and forming something coherent that is hopefully useful to other people and can bring some illumination to their journeys. It's about me continuing to grow as a writer and as a person. It's about catharsis and turning the darker moments into something positive.

Welcome to my past, current and future journey.

Andy Walker

Andy Walker

Interested in solving complex problems without complexity and self sustaining self improving organisations.